/*3D slideshow*/
$.fn.exists = function() {
if ($(this).length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/* !- Check if element is loaded */
$.fn.loaded = function(callback, jointCallback, ensureCallback){
var len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return this.each(function() {
var el = this,
$el = $(el),
blank = "";
$el.on("load.dt", function(event) {
if (typeof callback == "function") {
if (--len <= 0 && (typeof jointCallback == "function")){
if (!el.complete || el.complete === undefined) {
el.src = el.src;
} else {
} else if (ensureCallback) {
if (typeof jointCallback == "function") {
return this;
var $body = $("body"),
$window = $(window),
$mainSlider = $('#main-slideshow'),
$3DSlider = $('.three-d-slider'),
adminH = $('#wpadminbar').height(),
header = $('.masthead:not(.side-header):not(.side-header-v-stroke)').height();
var headerH = 0;
}else if($body.hasClass("overlap")){
var headerH = ($('.masthead:not(.side-header):not(.side-header-v-stroke)').height() + (parseInt($mainSlider.css("marginTop")) + parseInt($mainSlider.css("marginBottom")) ));
var headerH = $('.masthead:not(.side-header):not(.side-header-v-stroke)').height();
* jquery.hoverdir.js v1.1.0
* http://www.codrops.com
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Copyright 2012, Codrops
* http://www.codrops.com
'use strict';
$.HoverDir = function( options, element ) {
this.$el = $( element );
this._init( options );
// the options
$.HoverDir.defaults = {
speed : 300,
easing : 'ease',
hoverDelay : 0,
inverse : false
$.HoverDir.prototype = {
_init : function( options ) {
// options
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.HoverDir.defaults, options );
// transition properties
this.transitionProp = 'all ' + this.options.speed + 'ms ' + this.options.easing;
// support for CSS transitions
this.support = Modernizr.csstransitions;
// load the events
_loadEvents : function() {
var self = this;
this.$el.on( 'mouseenter.hoverdir, mouseleave.hoverdir', function( event ) {
var $el = $( this ),
$hoverElem = $el.find( '.rollover-content' ),
direction = self._getDir( $el, { x : event.pageX, y : event.pageY } ),
styleCSS = self._getStyle( direction );
if( event.type === 'mouseenter' ) {
$hoverElem.hide().css( styleCSS.from );
clearTimeout( self.tmhover );
self.tmhover = setTimeout( function() {
$hoverElem.show( 0, function() {
var $el = $( this );
if( self.support ) {
$el.css( 'transition', self.transitionProp );
self._applyAnimation( $el, styleCSS.to, self.options.speed );
} );
}, self.options.hoverDelay );
else {
if( self.support ) {
$hoverElem.css( 'transition', self.transitionProp );
clearTimeout( self.tmhover );
self._applyAnimation( $hoverElem, styleCSS.from, self.options.speed );
} );
// credits : http://stackoverflow.com/a/3647634
_getDir : function( $el, coordinates ) {
// the width and height of the current div
var w = $el.width(),
h = $el.height(),
// calculate the x and y to get an angle to the center of the div from that x and y.
// gets the x value relative to the center of the DIV and "normalize" it
x = ( coordinates.x - $el.offset().left - ( w/2 )) * ( w > h ? ( h/w ) : 1 ),
y = ( coordinates.y - $el.offset().top - ( h/2 )) * ( h > w ? ( w/h ) : 1 ),
// the angle and the direction from where the mouse came in/went out clockwise (TRBL=0123);
// first calculate the angle of the point,
// add 180 deg to get rid of the negative values
// divide by 90 to get the quadrant
// add 3 and do a modulo by 4 to shift the quadrants to a proper clockwise TRBL (top/right/bottom/left) **/
direction = Math.round( ( ( ( Math.atan2(y, x) * (180 / Math.PI) ) + 180 ) / 90 ) + 3 ) % 4;
return direction;
_getStyle : function( direction ) {
var fromStyle, toStyle,
slideFromTop = { left : '0px', top : '-100%' },
slideFromBottom = { left : '0px', top : '100%' },
slideFromLeft = { left : '-100%', top : '0px' },
slideFromRight = { left : '100%', top : '0px' },
slideTop = { top : '0px' },
slideLeft = { left : '0px' };
switch( direction ) {
case 0:
// from top
fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromTop : slideFromBottom;
toStyle = slideTop;
case 1:
// from right
fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromRight : slideFromLeft;
toStyle = slideLeft;
case 2:
// from bottom
fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromBottom : slideFromTop;
toStyle = slideTop;
case 3:
// from left
fromStyle = !this.options.inverse ? slideFromLeft : slideFromRight;
toStyle = slideLeft;
return { from : fromStyle, to : toStyle };
// apply a transition or fallback to jquery animate based on Modernizr.csstransitions support
_applyAnimation : function( el, styleCSS, speed ) {
$.fn.applyStyle = this.support ? $.fn.css : $.fn.animate;
el.stop().applyStyle( styleCSS, $.extend( true, [], { duration : speed + 'ms' } ) );
var logError = function( message ) {
if ( window.console ) {
window.console.error( message );
$.fn.hoverdir = function( options ) {
var instance = $.data( this, 'hoverdir' );
if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
this.each(function() {
if ( !instance ) {
logError( "cannot call methods on hoverdir prior to initialization; " +
"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for hoverdir instance" );
instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
else {
this.each(function() {
if ( instance ) {
else {
instance = $.data( this, 'hoverdir', new $.HoverDir( options, this ) );
return instance;
/*!-Hover Direction aware init*/
$('.mobile-false .hover-grid .rollover-project').each( function() { $(this).hoverdir(); } );
$('.mobile-false .hover-grid-reverse .rollover-project ').each( function() { $(this).hoverdir({
inverse : true
}); } );
/*!Append tag for portfolio round links button*/
$.fn.hoverLinks = function() {
if($(".semitransparent-portfolio-icons").length > 0 || $(".accent-portfolio-icons").length > 0){
return this.each(function() {
var $img = $(this);
if ($img.hasClass("height-ready")) {
mouseenter: function () {
if (0 === $(this).children("span").length) {
var a = $("").appendTo($(this));
setTimeout(function () {
}, 20)
} else $(this).children("span").addClass("icon-hover")
mouseleave: function () {
$(".links-container a").hoverLinks();
/*!Trigger click (direct to post) */
$.fn.forwardToPost = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass("this-ready")) {
$this.on("click", function(){
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
window.location.href = $this.find("a").first().attr("href");
return false;
$(".mobile-false .rollover-project.forward-post").forwardToPost();
$.fn.touchforwardToPost = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass("touch-hover-ready")) {
$body.on("touchend", function(e) {
$(".mobile-true .rollover-content").removeClass("is-clicked");
$(".mobile-true .rollover-project").removeClass("is-clicked");
var $this = $(this).find(".rollover-content");
$this.on("touchstart", function(e) {
origY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
origX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
$this.on("touchend", function(e) {
var touchEX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX,
touchEY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
if( origY == touchEY || origX == touchEX ){
if ($this.hasClass("is-clicked")) {
window.location.href = $this.prev("a").first().attr("href");
} else {
$(".mobile-ture .rollover-content").removeClass("is-clicked");
$(".mobile-true .rollover-project").removeClass("is-clicked");
return false;
$(".mobile-true .rollover-project.forward-post").touchforwardToPost();
/*!Trigger click on portfolio hover buttons */
$.fn.followCurentLink = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass("this-ready")) {
var $thisSingleLink = $this.find(".links-container > a"),
$thisCategory = $this.find(".portfolio-categories a");
$this.on("click", function(){
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
$thisTarget = $(this).attr("target") ? $(this).attr("target") : "_self";
if($thisSingleLink.hasClass("project-details") || $thisSingleLink.hasClass("link") || $thisSingleLink.hasClass("project-link")){
window.open($thisSingleLink.attr("href"), $thisTarget);
return false;
return false;
$this.find($thisCategory).click(function(e) {
window.location.href = $thisCategory.attr('href');
$(".mobile-false .rollover-project.rollover-active, .mobile-false .buttons-on-img.rollover-active").followCurentLink();
$.fn.touchHoverImage = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $img = $(this);
if ($img.hasClass("hover-ready")) {
$body.on("touchend", function(e) {
$(".mobile-true .rollover-content").removeClass("is-clicked");
var $this = $(this).find(".rollover-content"),
thisPar = $this.parents(".wf-cell");
$this.on("touchstart", function(e) {
origY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
origX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
$this.on("touchend", function(e) {
var touchEX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX,
touchEY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
if( origY == touchEY || origX == touchEX ){
if ($this.hasClass("is-clicked")) {
} else {
$('.links-container > a', $this).on('touchend', function(e) {
$(".mobile-true .buttons-on-img .rollover-content").removeClass("is-clicked");
return false;
$(".mobile-true .buttons-on-img").touchHoverImage();
$.fn.touchScrollerImage = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $img = $(this);
if ($img.hasClass("hover-ready")) {
$body.on("touchend", function(e) {
$(".mobile-true .project-list-media").removeClass("is-clicked");
var $this = $(this),
$thisSingleLink = $this.find("a.rollover-click-target").first(),
$thisButtonLink = $this.find(".links-container");
$this.on("touchstart", function(e) {
origY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
origX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
$this.on("touchend", function(e) {
var touchEX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX,
touchEY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
if( origY == touchEY || origX == touchEX ){
if ($this.hasClass("is-clicked")) {
} else {
if($thisSingleLink.length > 0){
$thisSingleLink.on("click", function(event) {
if ( $(this).hasClass('go-to') ) {
window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');
if($thisButtonLink.length > 0){
$thisButtonLink.find(" > a ").each(function(){
$(this).on("touchend", function(event) {
$(".mobile-true .fs-entry").removeClass("is-clicked");
return false;
$(".mobile-true .project-list-media").touchScrollerImage();
$.fn.touchHoverLinks = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $img = $(this);
if ($img.hasClass("hover-ready")) {
var $this = $(this);
$this.on("touchend", function(e) {
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
if ($this.hasClass("is-clicked")) {
} else {
if( $this.hasClass("project-zoom") ) {
}else {
window.location.href = $this.attr("href");
return false;
$(".mobile-true .links-container > a").removeClass("is-clicked");
return false;
$(".mobile-true .fs-entry .links-container > a").touchHoverLinks();
/*!Trigger albums click */
$.fn.triggerAlbumsClick = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass("this-ready")) {
var $thisSingleLink = $this.find("a.rollover-click-target, .dt-mfp-item").first(),
$thisCategory = $this.find(".portfolio-categories a");
if( $thisSingleLink.length > 0 ){
$thisSingleLink.on("click", function(event) {
if ($thisSingleLink.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
if ( $(this).hasClass('go-to') ) {
window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');
var alreadyTriggered = false;
$this.on("click", function(){
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
if ( !alreadyTriggered ) {
alreadyTriggered = true;
alreadyTriggered = false;
return false;
$this.find($thisCategory).click(function(e) {
window.location.href = $thisCategory.attr('href');
$(".dt-albums-template .rollover-project, .dt-albums-shortcode .rollover-project, .dt-albums-template .buttons-on-img, .dt-albums-shortcode .buttons-on-img, .archive .type-dt_gallery .buttons-on-img").triggerAlbumsClick();
/*!Trigger rollover click*/
$.fn.triggerHoverClick = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass("click-ready")) {
var $thisSingleLink = $this.prev("a:not(.dt-single-mfp-popup):not(.dt-mfp-item)").first(),
$thisCategory = $this.find(".portfolio-categories a"),
$thisLink = $this.find(".project-link"),
$thisTarget = $thisLink.attr("target") ? $thisLink.attr("target") : "_self",
if( $thisSingleLink.length > 0 ){
var alreadyTriggered = false;
$this.on("click", function(e){
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
if($(".semitransparent-portfolio-icons").length > 0 || $(".accent-portfolio-icons").length > 0){
$targetClick = $(e.target).parent();
$targetClick = $(e.target);
//console.log(( "clicked: " + $(e.target).parent().attr("class") )
$(this).find("a.dt-gallery-mfp-popup, .dt-trigger-first-mfp, .dt-single-mfp-popup, .dt-mfp-item").first().trigger('click');
if ( !alreadyTriggered ) {
alreadyTriggered = true;
window.location.href = $thisSingleLink.attr('href');
alreadyTriggered = false;
return false;
$this.find($thisLink).click(function(e) {
window.open($thisLink.attr("href"), $thisTarget);
$this.find($thisCategory).click(function(e) {
window.location.href = $thisCategory.attr('href');
$(".mobile-false .rollover-project:not(.rollover-active) .rollover-content, .buttons-on-img:not(.rollover-active) .rollover-content").triggerHoverClick();
/* !-Smart benefits & logos resize */
$.fn.smartGrid = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
colNum = parseInt($this.attr("data-columns")),
colMinWidth = parseInt($this.attr("data-width")),
contWidth = $this.width();
for ( ; Math.floor(contWidth/colNum) < colMinWidth; ) {
if (colNum <= 1) break;
$("> .wf-cell", $this).css({
width: (100/colNum).toFixed(6) + "%",
display: "inline-block"
var $benLogColl = $(".benefits-grid, .logos-grid");
$window.on("debouncedresize", function () {
/*!Instagram style photos*/
// $.fn.calcPics = function() {
// var $collection = $(".instagram-photos");
// if ($collection.length < 1) return false;
// return this.each(function() {
// var maxitemwidth = maxitemwidth ? maxitemwidth : parseInt($(this).attr("data-image-max-width")),
// itemmarg = parseInt($(this).find("> a").css("margin-left"));
// $(this).find(" > a").css({
// "max-width": maxitemwidth,
// "opacity": 1
// });
// // Cahce everything
// var $container = $(this),
// containerwidth = $container.width(),
// itemperc = (100/(Math.ceil(containerwidth/maxitemwidth)));
// $container.find("a").css({ "width": itemperc+'%' });
// });
// };
// $(".instagram-photos").calcPics();
// /*!-Project floating content*/
// var $floatContent = $(".floating-content"),
// projectPost = $(".project-post");
// var $parentHeight,
// $floatContentHeight,
// phantomHeight = 0;
//var $scrollHeight;
// function setFloatinProjectContent() {
// $(".project-slider .preload-me").loaded(null, function() {
// var $sidebar = $(".floating-content");
// if ($(".floating-content").length > 0) {
// var offset = $sidebar.offset();
// if($(".top-bar").length > 0 && $(".phantom-sticky").length > 0){
// var topBarH = $(".top-bar").height();
// }else{
// var topBarH = 0;
// }
// //$scrollHeight = $(".project-post").height();
// var $scrollOffset = $(".project-post").offset();
// //var $headerHeight = $phantom.height();
// $window.on("scroll", function () {
// if (window.innerWidth > 1050) {
// if (dtGlobals.winScrollTop + $phantom.height() > offset.top) {
// if (dtGlobals.winScrollTop + $phantom.height() + $floatContentHeight + 40 < $scrollOffset.top + $parentHeight) {
// $sidebar.stop().velocity({
// translateY : dtGlobals.winScrollTop - offset.top + $phantom.height() - topBarH
// }, 300);
// } else {
// $sidebar.stop().velocity({
// translateY: $parentHeight - $floatContentHeight - 40 - topBarH
// }, 300)
// }
// } else {
// $sidebar.stop().velocity({
// translateY: 0
// }, 300)
// }
// } else {
// $sidebar
// .css({
// "transform": "translateY(0)",
// "-webkit-transform" : "translateY(0)",
// });
// }
// })
// }
// }, true);
// }
// setFloatinProjectContent();
/* #Photo slider initialisation
================================================== */
// jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $photoScroller = $(".photo-scroller");
if($photoScroller.length > 0){
/* !Set slider */
$.fn.photoSlider = function() {
var $el = $(this),
slides = {},
thumbs = "";
$elParent = $el.parents(".photo-scroller");
slides.$items = $el.children("figure");
slides.count = slides.$items.length;
slides.$items.each(function(i) {
var $this = $(this),
$slide = $this.children().first().remove(),
src = $slide.attr("href"),
$thumbImg = $slide.children("img"),
thumbSrc = $thumbImg.attr("src"),
thumbDataSrc = $thumbImg.attr("data-src"),
thumbDataSrcset = $thumbImg.attr("data-srcset"),
thumbClass = $thumbImg.attr("class");
var $layzrBg = "layzr-bg";
var $layzrBg = "";
// !Captions copying
$this.find("figcaption").addClass("caption-" + (i+1) + "");
var $thisCaptionClone = $(this).find("figcaption").clone(true);
if (parseInt($elParent.attr("data-thumb-width")) > 0) {
var thisWidth = parseInt($elParent.attr("data-thumb-width")),
thisHeight = parseInt($elParent.attr("data-thumb-height"));
else {
var thisWidth = parseInt($thumbImg.attr("width")),
thisHeight = parseInt($thumbImg.attr("height"));
thumbs = thumbs + '
var $slider = $el.parents(".ts-wrap"),
windowW = $window.width(),
$sliderPar = $elParent,
$sliderAutoslide = ($sliderPar.attr("data-autoslide") == "true") ? true : false,
$sliderAutoslideDelay = ($sliderPar.attr("data-delay") && parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-delay")) > 999) ? parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-delay")) : 5000,
$sliderLoop = ($sliderPar.attr("data-loop") === "true") ? true : false,
$thumbHeight = $sliderPar.attr("data-thumb-height") ? parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-thumb-height"))+10 : 80+10,
$slideOpacity = $sliderPar.attr("data-transparency") ? $sliderPar.attr("data-transparency") : 0.5,
$adminBarH = $("#wpadminbar").length > 0? $("#wpadminbar").height() : 0;
// !New settings for cells;
var dataLsMin = $sliderPar.attr("data-ls-min") ? parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-ls-min")) : 0,
dataLsMax = $sliderPar.attr("data-ls-max") ? parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-ls-max")) : 100,
dataLsFillDt = $sliderPar.attr("data-ls-fill-dt") ? $sliderPar.attr("data-ls-fill-dt") : "fill",
dataLsFillMob = $sliderPar.attr("data-ls-fill-mob") ? $sliderPar.attr("data-ls-fill-mob") : "fit",
dataPtMin = $sliderPar.attr("data-pt-min") ? parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-pt-min")) : 0,
dataPtMax = $sliderPar.attr("data-pt-max") ? parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-pt-max")) : 100,
dataPtFillDt = $sliderPar.attr("data-pt-fill-dt") ? $sliderPar.attr("data-pt-fill-dt") : "fill",
dataPtFillMob = $sliderPar.attr("data-pt-fill-mob") ? $sliderPar.attr("data-pt-fill-mob") : "fit",
dataSidePaddings = $sliderPar.attr("data-padding-side") ? parseInt($sliderPar.attr("data-padding-side")) : 0;
// !Normalize new settings for cells;
if (dataLsMax <= 0) dataLsMax = 100;
if (dataPtMax <= 0) dataPtMax = 100;
if (dataLsMax < dataLsMax) dataLsMax = dataLsMax;
if (dataPtMax < dataPtMax) dataPtMax = dataPtMax;
"opacity": $slideOpacity
"opacity": $slideOpacity
var $slideTopPadding = ($sliderPar.attr("data-padding-top") && windowW > 760) ? $sliderPar.attr("data-padding-top") : 0,
$slideBottomPadding = ($sliderPar.attr("data-padding-bottom") && windowW > 760) ? $sliderPar.attr("data-padding-bottom") : 0;
var $sliderVP = $slider.find(".ts-viewport");
"margin-top": $slideTopPadding+"px",
"margin-bottom": $slideBottomPadding+"px"
$window.on("debouncedresize", function() {
if ($sliderPar.attr("data-padding-top") && $window.width() > 760) {
$slideTopPadding = $sliderPar.attr("data-padding-top");
else {
$slideTopPadding = 0;
if ($sliderPar.attr("data-padding-bottom") && $window.width() > 760) {
$slideBottomPadding = $sliderPar.attr("data-padding-bottom");
else {
$slideBottomPadding = 0;
if ($window.width() > 760) {
"margin-top": $slideTopPadding+"px",
"margin-bottom": $slideBottomPadding+"px"
else {
"margin-top": 0+"px",
"margin-bottom": 0+"px"
/* !Initializinig the main slider */
var $sliderData = $slider.thePhotoSlider({
mode: {
type: "centered",
lsMinW: dataLsMin,
lsMaxW: dataLsMax,
ptMinW: dataPtMin,
ptMaxW: dataPtMax,
height: function() {
// if ($(window).width() < 760) {
// return (window.innerHeight);
// }else
var $windowH = $window.height(),
$adminBarH = $("#wpadminbar").height();
if ($(".mixed-header").length > 0){
var $headerH = $(".mixed-header").height();
var $headerH = $(".masthead").height();
if ($body.hasClass("transparent") || $slider.parents(".photo-scroller").hasClass("full-screen")) {
if(window.innerWidth < dtLocal.themeSettings.mobileHeader.secondSwitchPoint) {
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $headerH - $adminBarH);
}else {
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $adminBarH);
}else if ($(".mixed-header").length > 0 || $slider.parents(".photo-scroller").hasClass("full-screen")) {
if(window.innerWidth < dtLocal.themeSettings.mobileHeader.firstSwitchPoint) {
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $headerH - $adminBarH);
}else {
if($(".side-header-h-stroke").length > 0){
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $headerH - $adminBarH);
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $adminBarH);
}else if ($(".side-header").length > 0 || $slider.parents(".photo-scroller").hasClass("full-screen")) {
if(window.innerWidth < dtLocal.themeSettings.mobileHeader.firstSwitchPoint) {
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $headerH - $adminBarH);
}else {
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $adminBarH);
}else {
if(window.innerWidth < dtLocal.themeSettings.mobileHeader.firstSwitchPoint) {
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $headerH - $adminBarH);
}else {
return ($windowH - $slideTopPadding - $slideBottomPadding - $headerH - $adminBarH);
sidePaddings: dataSidePaddings,
autoPlay: {
enabled: $sliderAutoslide,
delay: $sliderAutoslideDelay,
loop: $sliderLoop
var $thumbsScroller = $('');
/* !Initializinig the thumbnail stripe */
var $thumbsScrollerData = $thumbsScroller.thePhotoSlider({
mode: {
type: "scroller"
height: $thumbHeight
$(".prev", $this_par).click(function() {
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.slidePrev();
$(".next", $this_par).click(function() {
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.slideNext();
$sliderData.ev.on("updateNav sliderReady", function() {
if ($sliderData.lockRight) {
$(".next", $elParent).addClass("disabled");
} else {
$(".next", $elParent).removeClass("disabled");
if ($sliderData.lockLeft) {
$(".prev", $elParent).addClass("disabled");
} else {
$(".prev", $elParent).removeClass("disabled");
/*keyboard navigation*/
window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false);
function checkKeyPressed(e) {
if (e.keyCode == "37") {
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.slidePrev();
} else if (e.keyCode == "39") {
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.slideNext();
// !Active slide indication and thumbnail mechanics: begin */
$sliderData.ev.on("sliderReady beforeTransition", function() {
$sliderData.slides.$items.parents(".ts-wrap ").addClass("hide-slider-overlay");
}else if($sliderData.slides.$items.eq($sliderData.currSlide).find(".ps-link").length > 0){
$sliderData.slides.$items.parents(".ts-wrap ").addClass("hide-slider-overlay");
$sliderData.slides.$items.parents(".ts-wrap ").removeClass("hide-slider-overlay");
var actCaption = $sliderData.slides.$items.eq($sliderData.currSlide).find("figcaption").attr("class");
$('.slide-caption > figcaption').removeClass("actCaption");
$('.slide-caption > .'+actCaption).addClass("actCaption");
$sliderData.ev.on("afterTransition", function() {
var viewportLeft = -($thumbsScrollerData._unifiedX()),
viewportRight = viewportLeft + $thumbsScrollerData.wrap.width,
targetLeft = -$thumbsScrollerData.slides.position[$sliderData.currSlide],
targetRight = targetLeft + $thumbsScrollerData.slides.width[$sliderData.currSlide];
targetLeft = targetLeft - 50;
targetRight = targetRight + 50;
if (targetLeft < viewportLeft) {
for (i = $thumbsScrollerData.currSlide; i >= 0; i--) {
targetLeft = targetLeft + 50;
targetRight = targetRight - 50;
var tempViewportLeft = -$thumbsScrollerData.slides.position[i],
tempViewportRight = tempViewportLeft + $thumbsScrollerData.wrap.width;
if (targetRight > tempViewportRight) {
else if (i === 0) {
else if (targetRight > viewportRight) {
$thumbsScrollerData.slides.$items.each(function(i) {
$(this).on("click", function(event) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
$sliderData.slides.$items.each(function(i) {
$(this).on("click", function(event) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
// !Active slide indication and thumbnail mechanics: end */
var $this_par = $slider.parents(".photo-scroller");
/* !- Autoplay */
if( $sliderData.st.autoPlay.enabled ){
$(".auto-play-btn", $this_par).addClass("paused");
$(".auto-play-btn", $this_par).on("click", function(e){
var $this = $(this);
if( $this.hasClass("paused")){
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.pause();
$sliderData.st.autoPlay.enabled = false;
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.play();
$sliderData.st.autoPlay.enabled = true;
/* !- Initialize slider */
/* !- Show slider*/
$(".photoSlider").parents(".photo-scroller").css("visibility", "visible");
function launchFullscreen(element) {
if(element.requestFullscreen) {
} else if(element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if(element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
} else if(element.msRequestFullscreen) {
function exitFullscreen() {
if(document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if(document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if(document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
/* !- Fullscreen button */
var $this = $(this),
$thisParent = $this.parents(".photo-scroller");
document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function () {
$("body, html").css("overflow", "");
}, false);
document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function () {
$("body, html").css("overflow", "");
}, false);
document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", function () {
$("body, html").css("overflow", "");
var scroller = $frame.data("thePhotoSlider");
if(typeof scroller!= "undefined"){
}, false);
$(".full-screen-btn").on("click", function(e){
var $this = $(this),
$thisParent = $this.parents(".photo-scroller"),
$frame = $thisParent.find(".ts-wrap"),
$thumbs = $thisParent.find(".scroller-thumbnails").data("thePhotoSlider"),
$scroller = $frame.data("thePhotoSlider");
$this.parents(".photo-scroller").find("figure").animate({"opacity": 0},150);
if( $this.hasClass("act")){
$this.parents(".photo-scroller").find("figure").delay(600).animate({"opacity": 1},300)
}, 300);
$("body, html").css("overflow", "hidden");
$this.parents(".photo-scroller").find("figure").delay(600).animate({"opacity": 1},300)
}, 300)
var scroller = $frame.data("thePhotoSlider");
if(typeof scroller!= "undefined"){
/* !- Show/hide thumbs */
var $this = $(this);
$(".btn-cntr, .slide-caption", $this).css({
"bottom": parseInt($this.attr("data-thumb-height")) + 15
if( $this.hasClass("hide-thumbs")){
$(".scroller-thumbnails", $this).css({
"bottom": -(parseInt($this.attr("data-thumb-height")) +20)
$(".btn-cntr, .slide-caption", $this).css({
"bottom": 5 + "px"
$(".hide-thumb-btn").on("click", function(e){
var $this = $(this),
$thisParent = $this.parents(".photo-scroller");
if( $this.hasClass("act")){
$(".scroller-thumbnails", $thisParent).css({
"bottom": 0
$(".btn-cntr, .slide-caption", $thisParent).css({
"bottom": parseInt($thisParent.attr("data-thumb-height")) + 15
$(".scroller-thumbnails", $thisParent).css({
"bottom": -(parseInt($thisParent.attr("data-thumb-height")) +20)
$(".btn-cntr, .slide-caption", $thisParent).css({
"bottom": 5 + "px"
// })
//porthole Slider
if ($(".rsHomePorthole").exists()) {
var portholeSlider = {};
portholeSlider.container = $("#main-slideshow");
portholeSlider.hendheld = $window.width() < 740 && dtGlobals.isMobile ? true : false;
//Scroller porthole slideshow
$.fn.portholeScroller = function() {
var $el = $(this),
slides = {},
thumbs = "";
slides.$items = $el.children("li"),
slides.count = slides.$items.length;
slides.$items.each(function(i) {
var $this = $(this),
$slide = $this,
$thumbImg = $slide.children("img"),
thumbSrc = $thumbImg.attr("data-rstmb"),
thumbDataSrc = $thumbImg.attr("data-src"),
thumbDataSrcset = $thumbImg.attr("data-srcset"),
thumbClass = $thumbImg.attr("class");
var $layzrBg = "layzr-bg";
var $layzrBg = "";
thumbs = thumbs + '
var $slider = $el.parents(".ts-wrap"),
$this_par = $el.parents("#main-slideshow"),
windowW = $window.width(),
paddings = $this_par.attr("data-padding-side") ? parseInt($this_par.attr("data-padding-side")) : 0,
$sliderAutoslideEnable = ( 'true' != $this_par.attr("data-paused") && typeof $this_par.attr("data-autoslide") != "undefined" && !($window.width() < 740 && dtGlobals.isMobile) ) ? true : false,
// $sliderAutoslide = ( 'true' === $this_par.attr("data-paused") ) ? false : true,
$sliderAutoslideDelay = $this_par.attr("data-autoslide") && parseInt($this_par.attr("data-autoslide")) > 999 ? parseInt($this_par.attr("data-autoslide")) : 5000,
$sliderLoop = ( typeof $this_par.attr("data-autoslide") != "undefined" ) ? true : false,
$sliderWidth = $this_par.attr("data-width") ? parseInt($this_par.attr("data-width")) : 800,
$sliderHight = $this_par.attr("data-height") ? parseInt($this_par.attr("data-height")) : 400,
imgMode = $this_par.attr("data-scale") ? $this_par.attr("data-scale") : "none";
var $sliderData = $slider.thePhotoSlider({
mode: {
type: "slider"
height: $sliderHight,
width: $sliderWidth,
//sidePaddings: paddings,
resizeImg: true,
imageScaleMode: imgMode,
autoPlay: {
enabled: $sliderAutoslideEnable,
delay: $sliderAutoslideDelay,
loop: $sliderLoop
//Create thumbs
var $thumbsScroller = $('');
var $psThumb = $(".ps-thumb-img ");
$psThumb.each(function(i) {
$(this).on("click", function(event) {
var $this = $(this);
//if ($this.parents(".ts-wrap").hasClass("ts-interceptClicks")) return;
//Tumbs progress
$progressWrap = $(".psThumbsContainer").next();
$progressHtml = '';
if ($sliderData.st.autoPlay.enabled) {
if ($progressWrap.find(".progress-mask").length < 1) {
$sliderData.ev.on("autoPlayPlay", function() {
if ($progressWrap.find(".progress-mask").length < 1) {
$sliderData.ev.on("autoPlayPause", function() {
if (!$sliderAutoslideEnable) {
$sliderData.ev.on("sliderReady beforeTransition", function() {
//Animate thums container
var newPos = -$sliderData.currSlide * 40;
if (newPos == 0) {
newPos = 20;
$psThumb.removeClass("psNavSelected psNavPrev psNavNext psNavVis");
$(".psThumbsContainer").css({ transform:'translateY(' + newPos + 'px)' });
$sliderData.ev.on("sliderReady beforeTransition", function() {
//hide thumb progress on slide change
$sliderData.ev.on("sliderReady afterTransition", function() {
var dtResizeTimeout;
$window.on("resize", function() {
dtResizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
//Append slider navigation
$(".leftArrow", $slider).click(function() {
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.slidePrev();
$(".rightArrow", $slider).click(function() {
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.slideNext();
$sliderData.ev.on("updateNav sliderReady", function() {
if ($sliderData.lockRight) {
$(".rightArrow", $slider).addClass("disabled");
} else {
$(".rightArrow", $slider).removeClass("disabled");
if ($sliderData.lockLeft) {
$(".leftArrow", $slider).addClass("disabled");
} else {
$(".leftArrow", $slider).removeClass("disabled");
if ($sliderData.lockRight && $sliderData.lockLeft) {
//Slider auto play/pause
if( 'true' === $this_par.attr("data-paused") ){
$progressWrap.on("click", function(e){
var $this = $(this);
if( $this.hasClass("paused")){
if ($progressWrap.find(".progress-mask").length < 1) {
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.play();
$sliderData.st.autoPlay.enabled = true;
if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.pause();
$sliderData.st.autoPlay.enabled = false;
// $(".rsPlayBtn").on("click", function(e){
// // e.preventDefault();
// var $this = $(this);
// if( $progressWrap.hasClass("paused")){
// }else{
// $progressWrap.addClass("paused");
// if (!$sliderData.noSlide) $sliderData.pause();
// $sliderData.st.autoPlay.enabled = false;
// $progressWrap.find(".progress-mask").remove();
// }
// });
// scroller.hover(
// function() {
// if($sliderAutoslide) {
// $sliderData._autoPlayPaused = false;
// $sliderData.pause();
// $sliderData._pausedByHover = true;
// }
// },
// function() {
// if($sliderAutoslide) {
// $sliderData._pausedByHover = false;
// if(!$sliderData._pausedByClick){
// $sliderData.play();
// }
// }
// }
// );
(function($) {
* jQuery collagePlus Plugin v0.3.2
* https://github.com/ed-lea/jquery-collagePlus
* Copyright 2012, Ed Lea twitter.com/ed_lea
* built for http://qiip.me
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0
* Heavily modified by Dream-Theme.com
$.fn.collagePlus = function( options ) {
var defaults = {
// the ideal height you want your images to be
'targetHeight' : 400,
// width of the area the collage will be in
'albumWidth' : this.width(),
// padding between the images
'padding' : parseFloat( this.css('padding-left') ),
// object that contains the images to collage
'images' : this.children(),
// how quickly you want images to fade in once ready can be in ms, "slow" or "fast"
'fadeSpeed' : "fast",
// how the resized block should be displayed. inline-block by default so that it doesn't break the row
'display' : "inline-block",
// which effect you want to use for revealing the images (note CSS3 browsers only),
'effect' : 'default',
// effect delays can either be applied per row to give the impression of descending appearance
// or horizontally, so more like a flock of birds changing direction
'direction' : 'vertical',
// Sometimes there is just one image on the last row and it gets blown up to a huge size to fit the
// parent div width. To stop this behaviour, set this to true
'allowPartialLastRow' : false
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
* set up vars
// track row width by adding images, padding and css borders etc
var row = 0,
// collect elements to be re-sized in current row
elements = [],
// track the number of rows generated
rownum = 1;
* Cache selector
* Even if first child is not an image the whole sizing is based on images
* so where we take measurements, we take them on the images
var $this = $(this),
$img = ($this.is("img")) ? $this : $(this).find("img").not(".blur-effect").first();
* get the current image size. Get image size in this order
* 1. from
* 2. from data set from initial calculation
* 3. after loading the image and checking it's actual size
if ($img.attr("width") != 'undefined' && $img.attr("height") != 'undefined') {
var w = (typeof $img.data("width") != 'undefined') ? $img.data("width") : $img.attr("width"),
h = (typeof $img.data("height") != 'undefined') ? $img.data("height") : $img.attr("height");
else {
var w = (typeof $img.data("width") != 'undefined') ? $img.data("width") : $img.width(),
h = (typeof $img.data("height") != 'undefined') ? $img.data("height") : $img.height();
* Get any current additional properties that may affect the width or height
* like css borders for example
var imgParams = getImgProperty($img);
* store the original size for resize events
$img.data("width", w);
$img.data("height", h);
* calculate the w/h based on target height
* this is our ideal size, but later we'll resize to make it fit
var nw = Math.ceil(w/h*settings.targetHeight),
nh = Math.ceil(settings.targetHeight);
* Keep track of which images are in our row so far
elements.push([this, nw, nh, imgParams['w'], imgParams['h']]);
* calculate the width of the element including extra properties
* like css borders
row += nw + imgParams['w'] + settings.padding;
* if the current row width is wider than the parent container
* it's time to make a row out of our images
if( row > settings.albumWidth && elements.length != 0 ){
// call the method that calculates the final image sizes
// remove one set of padding as it's not needed for the last image in the row
resizeRow(elements, row, settings, rownum);
// reset our row
delete row;
delete elements;
row = 0;
elements = [];
rownum += 1;
* if the images left are not enough to make a row
* then we'll force them to make one anyway
if ( settings.images.length-1 == index && elements.length != 0){
resizeRow(elements, row, settings, rownum);
// reset our row
delete row;
delete elements;
row = 0;
elements = [];
rownum += 1;
// trigger "jgDone" event when all is ready
function resizeRow(obj, row, settings, rownum) {
* How much bigger is this row than the available space?
* At this point we have adjusted the images height to fit our target height
* so the image size will already be different from the original.
* The resizing we're doing here is to adjust it to the album width.
* We also need to change the album width (basically available space) by
* the amount of padding and css borders for the images otherwise
* this will skew the result.
* This is because padding and borders remain at a fixed size and we only
* need to scale the images.
var imageExtras = (settings.padding * obj.length) + (obj.length * obj[0][3]),
albumWidthAdjusted = settings.albumWidth - imageExtras,
overPercent = albumWidthAdjusted / (row - imageExtras),
// start tracking our width with know values that will make up the total width
// like borders and padding
trackWidth = imageExtras,
// guess whether this is the last row in a set by checking if the width is less
// than the parent width.
lastRow = (row < settings.albumWidth ? true : false);
* Resize the images by the above % so that they'll fit in the album space
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
var $obj = $(obj[i][0]),
fw = Math.floor(obj[i][1] * overPercent),
fh = Math.floor(obj[i][2] * overPercent),
// if the element is the last in the row,
// don't apply right hand padding (this is our flag for later)
isNotLast = !!(( i < obj.length - 1 ));
* Checking if the user wants to not stretch the images of the last row to fit the
* parent element size
if(settings.allowPartialLastRow === true && lastRow === true){
fw = obj[i][1];
fh = obj[i][2];
* Because we use % to calculate the widths, it's possible that they are
* a few pixels out in which case we need to track this and adjust the
* last image accordingly
trackWidth += fw;
* here we check if the combined images are exactly the width
* of the parent. If not then we add a few pixels on to make
* up the difference.
* This will alter the aspect ratio of the image slightly, but
* by a noticable amount.
* If the user doesn't want full width last row, we check for that here
if(!isNotLast && trackWidth < settings.albumWidth){
if(settings.allowPartialLastRow === true && lastRow === true){
fw = fw;
fw = fw + (settings.albumWidth - trackWidth);
* We'll be doing a few things to the image so here we cache the image selector
var $img = ( $obj.is("img") ) ? $obj : $obj.find("img").not(".blur-effect").first();
* Set the width of the image and parent element
* if the resized element is not an image, we apply it to the child image also
* We need to check if it's an image as the css borders are only measured on
* images. If the parent is a div, we need make the contained image smaller
* to accommodate the css image borders.
if( !$obj.is("img") ){
$obj.width(fw + obj[i][3]);
* Set the height of the image
* if the resized element is not an image, we apply it to the child image also
if( !$obj.is("img") ){
$obj.height(fh + obj[i][4]);
* Apply the css extras like padding
if (settings.allowPartialLastRow === false && lastRow === true) {
applyModifications($obj, isNotLast, "none");
else {
applyModifications($obj, isNotLast, settings.display);
* Assign the effect to show the image
* Default effect is using jquery and not CSS3 to support more browsers
* Wait until the image is loaded to do this
.load(function(target) {
return function(){
if( settings.effect == 'default'){
target.animate({opacity: '1'},{duration: settings.fadeSpeed});
} else {
if(settings.direction == 'vertical'){
var sequence = (rownum <= 10 ? rownum : 10);
} else {
var sequence = (i <= 9 ? i+1 : 10);
target.addClass("effect-duration-" + sequence);
* fix for cached or loaded images
* For example if images are loaded in a "window.load" call we need to trigger
* the load call again
.each(function() {
if(this.complete) $(this).trigger('load');
* This private function applies the required css to space the image gallery
* It applies it to the parent element so if an image is wrapped in a then
* the css is applied to the
function applyModifications($obj, isNotLast, settingsDisplay) {
var css = {
// Applying padding to element for the grid gap effect
'margin-bottom' : settings.padding + "px",
'margin-right' : (isNotLast) ? settings.padding + "px" : "0px",
// Set it to an inline-block by default so that it doesn't break the row
'display' : settingsDisplay,
// Set vertical alignment otherwise you get 4px extra padding
'vertical-align' : "bottom",
// Hide the overflow to hide the caption
'overflow' : "hidden"
return $obj.css(css);
* This private function calculates any extras like padding, border associated
* with the image that will impact on the width calculations
function getImgProperty(img) {
$img = $(img);
var params = new Array();
params["w"] = (parseFloat($img.css("border-left-width")) + parseFloat($img.css("border-right-width")));
params["h"] = (parseFloat($img.css("border-top-width")) + parseFloat($img.css("border-bottom-width")));
return params;
/* !- Justified Gallery Initialisation */
var jgCounter = 0;
$(".jg-container").each(function() {
var $jgContainer = $(this),
$jgItemsPadding = $jgContainer.attr("data-padding"),
$jgItems = $jgContainer.find(".wf-cell");
// .iso-item elements are hidden by default, so we show them.
$jgContainer.attr("id", "jg-container-" + jgCounter + "");
$jgContainer.on("jgDone", function() {
// var layzrJGrid = new Layzr({
// // container: ".jg-container",
// selector: '[data-layzr-jgrid]',
// attr: 'data-layzr-jgrid',
// retinaAttr: 'data-layzr-jgrid-retina',
// threshold: 0,
// callback: function() {
// $(this).velocity({
// "opacity" : 1
// }, 350);
// }
// });
var layzrJGrid = new Layzr({
selector: '.jgrid-lazy-load',
attr: 'data-src',
attrSrcSet: 'data-srcset',
retinaAttr: 'data-src-retina',
threshold: 0,
before: function() {
// For fixed-size images with srcset; or have to be updated on window resize.
this.setAttribute("sizes", this.width+"px");
callback: function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend', function(e) {
}, 200)
$.fn.collage = function(args) {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $jgContainer = $(this),
$jgItemsPadding = $jgContainer.attr("data-padding"),
$jgItems = $jgContainer.find(".wf-cell");
var jgPadding = parseFloat($jgItems.first().css('padding-left')) + parseFloat($jgItems.first().css('padding-right')),
jgTargetHeight = parseInt($jgContainer.attr("data-target-height")),
jdPartRow = true;
if ($jgContainer.attr("data-part-row") == "false") {
jdPartRow = false;
var jgAlbumWidth = $jgContainer.parents(".full-width-wrap").width() - parseInt($jgItemsPadding)*2;
var jgAlbumWidth = $jgContainer.parent().width() + parseInt($jgItemsPadding)*2;
var $jgCont = {
'albumWidth' : jgAlbumWidth,
'targetHeight' : jgTargetHeight,
'padding' : jgPadding,
'allowPartialLastRow' : jdPartRow,
'fadeSpeed' : 2000,
'effect' : 'effect-1',
'direction' : 'vertical'
$.extend($jgCont, args);
dtGlobals.jGrid = $jgCont;
'width': jgAlbumWidth
$(window).on("debouncedresize", function() {
$(".jgrid-shortcode").each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $visibleItems = $this.data('visibleItems');
if ( $visibleItems ) {
$this.collage({ 'images': $visibleItems });
} else {
}).trigger( "debouncedresize" );
INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 19:09:46 Jul 16, 2019.
SECTION 108(a)(3)).
playback timings (ms):
LoadShardBlock: 102.11 (3)
esindex: 0.01
captures_list: 154.951
CDXLines.iter: 12.738 (3)
PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 82.638 (4)
exclusion.robots: 0.202
exclusion.robots.policy: 0.187
RedisCDXSource: 36.504
PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 146.808
load_resource: 204.921